Photo Gallery
Cork and Copper Botijo from Segorbe Green-Colored Botijo from Alba de Tormes "La Castaña" Botijo from Cuenca Botijo from the Rambla de Córdoba Group of Botijos from Manises Ceramic Botijo from Maestre in Biar Botijo with Basket, Child, Cats, and Bird from Biar Polichinela Botijo from Biar Rooster-Shaped Botijo with the Inscription "Recuerdo de Plasencia" "La Dama" Botijo from Úbeda Breda Botijo with Floral Decoration and Dragon Ceramic Botijo from Manises with Floral Decoration Ceramic Botijo from Biar with a Soldier Playing a Trumpet Ceramic Botijo from Biar in the Shape of a Car Group of Botijos from Teruel Group of Botijos Made in the Ceramic Workshop in Villena Magnificent large botijo piece from La Talabricense with the Villena Castle Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Botijos from La Roda Magnificent ceramic piece from Biar by Fernando Amorós Cuenca Botijo with the Hanging Houses, Enchanted City, and More Group of Botijos from Frenegal de la Sierra Group of Glazed Botijos from Piqueres, Agost (Alicante) Multicolored Rooster from Biar (Alicante)
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